A JEALOUS thug has been jailed for dealing drugs and assaulting two girlfriends.

Jaymes Brown from Caerphilly was locked up for more than four years at Newport Crown Court.

The 28-year-old was caught selling cocaine when police found a phone with drug-related messages on it during a raid at his home.

They also seized a Prada jacket, samurai sword and air rifle, prosecutor Martha Smith-Higgins said.

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Brown assaulted his first victim on November 18, 2022.

“He started to question her about another boy she'd been seeing a few months before,” Miss Smith-Higgins told the court.

“The defendant was angry. He called her a sl*t.

“He grabbed her clothing, ripping it apart, leaving her wearing just her underwear.”

Brown then started strangling her before he put his foot on her face and punched her.

The second victim was assaulted on April 4 on their way home in a car after the two had been out for a meal in Pontypridd.

The defendant grabbed her cardigan and pulled it round her neck and punched her in the face.

Brown had called her a “sl*g and a rat” after going through her phone and telling her to “text your boyfriend back”.

He had shouted at her: “I’m going to kill you. I’m going to murder you.”

The defendant, of Llwyn-Yr-Eos, Nelson pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine and two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

The offences were committed between November 1, 2021 and this April.

Brown has a previous relevant conviction for suppling class B drugs.

Matthew Thomas representing the defendant asked the judge to take into account his client’s young age and remorse.

Recorder Robin Rouch told Brown: “Your use of drugs led to you dealing drugs and that grew from funding your own addiction into something far more profitable.

“As it did, your lifestyle became more chaotic generally due to the impact of drugs which perhaps played a part in the offending against the two female complainants.”

The defendant was jailed for four years and two months.