A primary school initiative has received praise from its founder at Our Lady of the Angels RC Primary School in Cwmbran.

The teaching strategy, Roots of Empathy, was introduced in 2019 and allows Year 3 and 4 pupils to learn emotions and empathy through observing a baby's development from four to 11 months in their classroom environment.

The schoolchildren interact with the baby and ask their parent questions.

Founder Mary Gordon, a social entrepreneur from Canada, visited the school to witness pupils' progress.

Ms Gordon said: "This is a very special school the children are so kind to each other. No child is left out and they all work and play together beautifully. You should be so proud."

Headteacher Ceri Prosser said: "Through Roots of Empathy our children learn that we are all made in the same but have differences which are to be celebrated.

"They extend their knowledge and understanding of different emotions and how these are experienced differently by people. The programme also gives them the vocabulary to express themselves and their feelings in an appropriate way.

"Many of the babies go on to be pupils at our school which is really special as the older children often recognise them."

Since the programme's success, the school plans to extend empathy teaching to younger pupils with the launch of Seeds of Empathy this coming September.

The school uses programs such as these to offer varied learning experiences and to ensure pupils enjoy coming to school.

More information on the council's school attendance policy is available online.