A technology hub has been opened in a Chepstow hospital.

The Assistivetech Monmouthshire Hub at Chepstow Community Hospital was officially unveiled on June 4.

It provides a range of innovative technological solutions aimed at aiding the citizens of Monmouthshire.

The launch event was attended by staff from Monmouthshire County Council, Aneurin Bevan Health Board and several other external organisations.

Located on the St Arvans ward, the Hub consists of two interactive rooms - the Assistive Technology Bedroom and the Smart Technology Living Room.

These spaces showcase more than 30 technological solutions, including smart screens controlling curtain openers and smart plugs for appliances such as lamps or fans.

Smart doorbells and video call software increase security and promote easy contact with relatives.

Allowing families to create a 'safe zone' for a resident, GPS tracking devices are also part of the facility.

Additionally, classic assistive technologies linked to the lifeline service, like fall detectors and other environmental sensors, are on display.

The Hub was established with four objectives - falls prevention, rehabilitation, dementia care and combating social isolation.

The technology aims to support and enable individuals to live confidently and safely in their own homes.

Visits to the Technology Hub can be organised through the Chepstow Smart Hub Booking System.

This may assist professionals in identifying the best equipment for service users before submitting a referral to the Assistivetech Monmouthshire team.

Prices for the service range between £5 to £10 per week along with a one-time £50 set-up fee.

Those interested in discovering more or making inquiries can visit the AssistiveTech Monmouthshire website or contact the team at assistivetech@monmouthshire.gov.uk.