A CAGE fighter broke a rugby player’s jaw with a single punch outside a nightclub following a “confrontation” between the two.

David Winiarski knocked out Dale Price after the strangers had been drinking at Morgan Plaza in Ebbw Vale.

The 30-year-old defendant from Scotland was visiting Wales and had been at a cage fighting exhibition in the town earlier that night.

Mr Price had been to see a rugby match in Abergavenny with friends before returning to Ebbw Vale.

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Harry Baker, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court: “He has no recollection as to what happened.

“Out of nowhere the defendant punched the victim once in the face and he fell to the floor.

“One of Mr Price’s friends asked him, ‘Why did you hit him?’ He replied, ‘Because he started it.’”

Mr Baker played CCTV footage capturing the violence and it showed the victim being knocked unconscious to the ground.

Mr Price’s jaw was broken in two places and he needed surgery for his injuries.

The defendant, of Croall Place, Kelty, Fife pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm.

The offence took place on Sunday, October 9, 2022.

Winiarski has a previous conviction for violence that was committed in Scotland.

That was for assault to injury common law for which he was sentenced in 2019.

Hilary Roberts representing the defendant said: “This was not a grave injury caused to Mr Price.”

The court heard that the victim has made “a good recovery”.

The judge, Recorder Paul Lewis KC, told Winiarski: “CCTV captures the incident and there appears to be a confrontation between you although there is no sound.

“You are seen to push him away before he moves back towards you.”

He added: “You strike him once to his face which knocks him off his feet.

“Mr Price is a rugby player although he hadn’t been playing that day.

“You are a cage fighter and it’s plain that you have skills in unarmed combat that others do not possess.”

Recorder Lewis jailed Winiarsk for 24 weeks but suspended the sentence for 18 months.

“You have escaped going to prison by the skin of your teeth,” he said to him.

The defendant must carry out 150 hours of unpaid work and complete an eight-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

He will have to pay Mr Price £1,000 compensation.

Winiarski is an amateur mixed martial arts fighter with a record of six wins and one loss.