A MAN who continued to hound his ex-girlfriend in defiance of a restraining order has been jailed again.

Morgan Green, 24, from Risca is prohibited from contacting the woman after he was convicted of threatening her with a Stanley knife last June.

A five-year restraining order was imposed after he was handed a suspended prison sentence for threatening a person with a bladed article in a private place, harassment and an offence under the Malicious Communications Act 1988.

He was locked up for four weeks in August 2023 for breaching the restraining order just days after it came into force.

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His latest breaches took place this April and May when he contacted his former partner via TikTok and Snapchat, Tabitha Walker, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court.

In a victim impact statement she revealed: “I’m terrified and I find myself looking over my shoulder.

“I feel like this is never going to end. I feel exhausted and drained.

“I’ve lost faith in the justice system.”

She added that she struggles with depression and anxiety as a result of her ex’s offending.

Green, of Mountain Road, admitted two counts of breaching a restraining order and being in breach of a suspended prison sentence.

Hilary Roberts, mitigating, asked the court to take into account his client's guilty pleas.

The judge, Recorder Paul Lewis KC, told Green: “A restraining order was made to protect your former partner from your unwanted attention.

“Even your taste of custody last year hasn’t deterred you.”

After jailing the defendant for 40 weeks the defendant started arguing with Recorder Lewis.

The judge replied: “She's entitled to protection from the courts.”

He said to the dock officers: “Take him down please.”

Green was given a 14-week term for being in breach of a restraining order and a consecutive 26-week period after last year’s suspended sentence was partially activated.

The defendant will have to serve half of his sentence before being released back into the community on licence.

He will have to pay a victim surcharge.