A member of the Conservative Welsh Shadow Cabinet has been removed from her role amid allegations over expense claims. 

Laura Anne Jones, the Senedd member for South Wales East, has been asked to step down from the Welsh Shadow Cabinet by Welsh Conservatives leader Andrew RT Davies, while a probe into allegations about maximising expense claims. 

The allegations against Ms Jones are that she had asked an employee to maximise her expense claims through messages on WhatsApp, but their full context is unclear. 

Despite being stripped of her spokesperson role within the Welsh Shadow Cabinet,  the member of the Senedd for South Wales East remains a part of the Conservative group in the Welsh Parliament.

Welsh Conservatives leader Mr Davies said: "I have asked Laura Anne Jones to step back from the Welsh Conservative Shadow Cabinet while investigations take place.

“We will not be making any comments on any active investigations being carried out.”

Ms Jones is currently under investigation by the Standards Commissioner Douglas Bain and South Wales Police over the allegations around her expenses. 

Ms Jones has been contacted for comment.