A MAN aimed a Taser at a terrified police officer after taking it from him while he was in custody.

Owain Ellis was arrested after wrapping a knife on display in his T-shirt as he walked bare-chested while drunk through the Asda supermarket in Cwmbran.

He handed over the weapon to security staff when they confronted him.

The police were called and the 33-year-old defendant was taken to Newport Central police station for questioning.

Ellis became “irate at the prospect of being detained” and was placed in a cell with the door open.

It was while two police officers armed with Tasers were “observing him” that the defendant grabbed one of their stun guns from his back pocket and pointed it at him.

Marian Lewis, prosecuting, told Newport Crown Court: “The officer said, ‘I thought he was going to use it. I feared for my safety.’”

She added: “The defendant said, ‘I’ve never seen a Taser close up. I wanted to touch it. I didn’t realise what I was doing.”

Ellis added: “Everyone went mental. I obviously wasn’t going to do anything with it.”

The defendant, aged 33, of Avondale Road, Sebastopol, Pontypool pleaded guilty to possession of a prohibited weapon and possession of a knife in public.

The offences took place on Wednesday, May 17 last year.

Ellis has seven previous convictions for 11 offences but none that are relevant.

His rap sheet includes being drunk and disorderly and drink driving.

Hilary Roberts representing the defendant said his client had spent the 13 months since his offending trying to beat his alcohol addiction.

Ellis had sought treatment from the Gwent Drug and Alcohol Service and a charity organisation.

“His life had been dictated by the excess use of alcohol and that has led to his offending,” his barrister said added.

“The defendant’s partner provides him with stability.

“In the sober light of day he can’t understand his stupidity.”

Judge Daniel Williams told Ellis: “You took the Taser and you held it as if you were going to use it.

“The police officer was fearful for his safety and that is understandable.”

The defendant was sentenced to a 12-month community order.

He must complete an eight-day rehabilitation activity requirement and pay £514 in a fine, costs and a surcharge.