A PAEDOPHILE in his late thirties who would dress like East 17 boy band member Brian Harvey sexually abused an underage girl in the 1990s.

Now nearing pension age, Paul Clarke from Pontypool would befriend children by wearing clothes like the pop idol and drive powerful cars to impress young people.

He went on to carry out a catalogue of sexual abuse against one girl when she was aged between 13 and 15.

Judge Matthew Porter-Bryant told Clarke: “During the years 1996 to 1999, you sought out the company of young people.

“You would encourage them to look at an receive rides in your cars which were powerful and loud – you knew this excited them.

“You would drive around playing music loudly.

“People were impressed by your car. You owned a BMW at the time.

“You dressed in a way that was described as being like a well-known member of a boy band at the time.”

The defendant met his victim when he across her and her friends standing on a bus stop in the Blackwood area.

He would sexually abuse her in the back of his car.

She would perform oral sex on him and he would penetrate her using objects.

Clare Wilks, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court: “She was groomed by him over a period of years.

“The defendant was more than 20 years older than her. The victim was vulnerable.

“There was the use of alcohol and there was pain and humiliation.”

She read out the complainant’s victim personal statement in which she said: “The abuse has affected my life in every way.

“He had control and power over me.

“I carry the abuse with me every day – I’m a broken person.

“I’ve tried to move on but the abuse doesn’t go away.

“I have had nightmares about Paul Clarke and I’ve suffered from anxiety and depression.”

The defendant, aged 64, of Albion Road, was found guilty by a jury after a trial of 10 counts of indecent assault.

He had denied all the charges against him.

Clarke has no relevant previous convictions.

Martha Smith-Higgins representing him said her client had led “a law-abiding life” since he committed these offences more than 20 years ago.

Judge Porter-Bryant added to Clarke: “She could not consent to what you were doing.

“There was planning, grooming and a disparity in age.”

The defendant was jailed for nine years.

Clarke will have to register as a sex offender indefinitely and he was made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order for 20 years.