A PAEDOPHILE was caught with more than 16,000 child abuse films and pictures.

Mark Hoe, 63, was arrested with the indecent images in Abergavenny, Cardiff Crown Court was told.

The defendant pleaded guilty to making 1,373 category A images, the most serious kind, 1,118 category B images and 13,624 category C images.

He also admitted distributing 117 category A images, 25 category B and 14 category C images.

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Hoe’s offences were committed between February 8, 2023 and April 3 this year.

The defendant, of Poplars Road, Llantilio Pertholey is due to be sentenced on June 26.

He was represented by Julia Cox and the prosecution by Laurence Jones.

Hoe was remanded in custody by Judge Paul Hobson.