A drug dealer caught bringing cocaine into a nightclub in Swansea will not go to Prison.

Dylan Davies, 21, from Gilwern was arrested by police when door staff at popular night club Fiction searched him at the entrance. 

Today he received a suspended sentence of two years and was ordered 150 hours of unpaid work, 12 months of mental health treatment and four months of curfew. 

Judge S Hughes, said: "Do not be of any illusion, were you to come back to the court on similar offences, you would go to prison.

"An immediate custodial sentence would have an impact on your parents. You should know you have put them in this position and no one else."

Davies, of Brynglas, Gilwern, admitted to possession with intent to supply cocaine, possession of ecstasy and possession of ketamine. 

Police found more drugs at his home including high purity 76% to 80% cocaine, said prosecutor Brian Simpson.

The police also seized £250 cash that the defendant had on him when he tried to enter the night club.

In total he was found to have 18.7g of the class A drug with a potential value of £1,230, Swansea Crown Court was told. 

The offence at the night club took place on Sunday, May 7, 2023. 

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The case had previously been adjourned by judge Gregg Bull KC for Davies to be assessed by a mental health professional. 

John Allchurch, representing Davies said: "This is a young man who was 20 at the time who has mental health issues.

"Since then he has pleaded guilty, cooperated with probation services and mental health treatment.”