POLICE have launched an investigation into a report of a burglary at a commercial property in Chepstow in May. 

The alleged burglary took place at a commercial address on St Lawrence Road, Chepstow, between 11pm and 11.05pm on Thursday, May 30. 

Three unknown men wearing balaclavas are believed to have forced entry to the store and taken a quantity of cigarettes.

After leaving the store, the men are understood to have carried a large sack towards a vehicle in a nearby car park.

Gwent Police added: "Enquiries are ongoing and we're asking for anyone who was using St Lawrence Road in Chepstow between 10.30pm and 11.10pm on Thursday 30 May, to contact us.

"Anyone with relevant dashcam or CCTV footage, can contact us by calling 101 or send us a direct message on Facebook or X, quoting log reference 2400177800.

"You can also call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111 with details."