NFU Cymru stakeholders gathered at a Monmouthshire farm recently.

As part of its annual Celebration of Welsh Farming Week campaign, the union held this event to bring together partner organisations and discuss the future of Welsh agriculture.

The event was hosted by NFU Cymru Monmouthshire county chairwoman, Emma Robinson.

Ms Robinson said: "Every farming business supports a significant number of wider businesses.

"The reliance on a functioning, viable farming sector is vital to many families, businesses, communities and organisations in our area."

She stressed the growing importance of the ability of the Welsh nation to feed itself given the instability due to conflict and changing climates in various parts of the globe.

"Welsh farmers produce sustainable food for the future and we're here to do that," she added.

Ms Robinson further emphasised the crucial role of Welsh farmers in delivering safe and high-quality food, while also caring for and boosting the environment.

The union recently launched its Secure the Future of Welsh Food / Diogelu Dyfodol Bwyd Cymru campaign, expecting a large number of online pledge signatures to show the public's backing for Welsh-produced food.

Andrea Leach from Cotteswold Dairy, one of the attendees, said: "The value of Welsh milk and patriotic story behind its production, is really appreciated by our customers.

"We need to ensure that Welsh farmers can continue to produce high quality, full traceable food in order for us to meet the demand for Welsh produce."

As part of the event, a tour of the Grosmont Farm was arranged during which Ms Robinson reiterated the positive response for local produce from within the nation.

She further said: "We want policymakers to see that the Welsh public want future support to deliver on the production of safe, sustainable, high-quality food produced in Wales."

She further suggested that this event was an opportunity to discuss the prospects for Welsh food with organisations across the county.

NFU Cymru is encouraging the public to get involved in supporting the campaign online.

For more details on the public campaign and finding ways to support the cause, visit the NFU Cymru website or follow the #SecureWelshFood #DiogeluBwydCymru hashtags on the NFU Cymru’s social media platforms.