The mayor of Newport met with care home staff on a mammoth cycle challenge.

For three consecutive years, staff members of Barchester Healthcare's care homes and hospitals have participated in a cycling fundraiser,

With their effort, they aimed to raise funds for the Barchester's Charitable Foundation which assists disabled and mentally impaired adults and older people to connect with their local community.

The challenge unfolded between June 18 and 21, as the Barchester staff members cycled more than 200 miles from Carmarthen to Oxfordshire.

The team stopped at 14 care homes in Barchester’s Central division for rest periods, receptions, and words of encouragement.

On June 19 at 9am, the journey led them to Bryn Ivor Lodge in Castleton, Cardiff.

Welcoming the cyclists were the staff and residents of Bryn Ivor, along with special guests; the deputy mayor of Cardiff, Helen Lloyd Jones, mayor of Newport, Raymond Mogford, and Newport mayoress, Sallie Mogford.

Ms. Lloyd Jones said: "What a lovely home you have, caring for our elderly.

"This is a fantastic event."

Mr. Mogford went on to say: "I am impressed with the diversity of staff and how well trained they are."

Backed by Bryn Ivor Lodge, fundraising activities included a bake sale, sporting competitions and entertainment from a brass band, which all contributed to the collection for the worthy cause, the Barchester's Charitable Foundation.

Liliana Ungureanu, general manager at Bryn Ivor Lodge, reflected on the occasion: "It was a wonderful sight to see the cyclists arriving at our home, they are absolutely amazing – what a fantastic effort.

"It was lovely to be able to give them some refreshments and a bit of a pit stop before they carried on their way.

"Our staff and residents loved helping them fundraise for Barchester’s Charitable Foundation which does such brilliant work helping to connect vulnerable people with their local communities."