A MAN from Newport has been jailed after being spotted with a firearm which led to officers uncovering a collection of weapons and explosives at his home.

Billy Price, 46, appeared before Cardiff Crown Court on Wednesday, May 19, after pleading guilty to possession of a firearm with the intent to cause fear of violence and possession of a prohibited firearm.

Detective chief inspector, Matthew Edwards, said: "Price is a dangerous man who has an infatuation with weapons and a blasé attitude.

Detective chief inspector, Matthew Edwards, described Price as a dangerous man with an infatuation for weapons and a blasé attitude.Detective chief inspector, Matthew Edwards, described Price as a dangerous man with an infatuation for weapons and a blasé attitude. (Image: Gwent Police)

"Weapons owned with the intent to cause harm or fear will not be tolerated in Gwent and we hope today's sentencing reminds others that we take all reports of weapons extremely seriously."

Mr Price's collection of weapons was uncovered by officers after he was spotted carrying a firearm in Bettws, and has received a sentence of six years in prison with an extended licence period of four years.

He was also found guilty at trial for possession of explosives.

Billy Price was also found guilty at trial for possession of explosives.Billy Price was also found guilty at trial for possession of explosives. (Image: Gwent Police)

Gwent Police officials said Mr Price was arrested near his address in Newport in August 2023.

Officers were shocked to find an "arsenal of weapons, including a firearm, explosives, sword, and a flail".

Price was jailed for six years, with an extended licence period of four years, and officials have confirmed his weapons will be forfeited and destroyed.

Gwent Police remind the public of the following: "If you have any information of weapons being owned or supplied in Gwent, please call us on 101 or DM us.

"Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."