A second Conservative candidate is up for investigation over bets made on the date of the election only a week after Craig Williams.

Tory candidate Laura Saunders, who previously worked at Conservative Campaign HQ, is facing a Gambling Commission investigation into alleged betting offences – becoming the second candidate to be investigated over suspicious bets after Montgomeryshire candidate Craig Williams.

A police officer who worked in Downing Street has also been arrested on suspicion of misconduct in a public office and bailed pending further inquiries.

Housing Secretary Mr Gove told the BBC: “If people have used inside information to place bets, that is deeply wrong.

“What I can’t do is sort of get too much into the detail of the case while an investigation is going on.

“But I can talk about the broad principle and you’re absolutely right, it’s reprehensible.”

Ms Sanders, who is standing in the Bristol North West constituency and was the head of the international department at the Conservative Party, working with London embassies and the Tories’ sister parties overseas.

READ MORE: Downing street police officer being investigated over general election bet

A Conservative spokesman said: “We have been contacted by the Gambling Commission about a small number of individuals.

“As the Gambling Commission is an independent body, it wouldn’t be proper to comment further, until any process is concluded.”


It emerged last week that Mr Williams, who served as Mr Sunak’s parliamentary private secretary and is the Conservative candidate for Montgomeryshire and Glyndwr, was under investigation after he “put a flutter” on when the election would take place.

In a statement last week, Mr Williams said: “As I’ve said, I made a stupid error of judgement for which I apologise.”

“I will be working hard to regain the trust of the people of Montgomeryshire and Glyndwr over the next few weeks.

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“I hope that over the last five years as MP for Montgomeryshire - and before being elected too, that I have demonstrated my love and complete dedication to our area and its residents.

“I look forward to a satisfactory and quick resolution of the routine inquiries currently being undertaken. Whilst that independent process is ongoing, I am unable to comment further at this time.”

The police officer, who has been removed from operational duties, was bailed pending further inquiries after they were arrested on Monday on suspicion of misconduct in a public office.

Mr Sunak previously said it was “very disappointing” that Mr Williams had allegedly placed a bet on the date of the General Election.