The owner of a social club in Abertridwr has won a bid to keep his outdoor decking area, despite privacy and noise concerns from some people living nearby.

The club will have to follow strict planning conditions regarding its use, however.

Dean Wood, of the Aber Sports and Social Club, applied last October for retrospective planning permission for the seating area at the Ilan Road premises.

The decking has replaced a “crumbling wall and banking” to the rear of the club, which is based at the Aber Hotel.

Council documents show the work was started and completed in May 2023, but the applicant did go on to seek pre-application advice from Caerphilly County Borough Council that month.

In a new report, council planning officers accepted the rear of the building is “well screened” and any issues with the hotel building overlooking other properties had “always” existed.

Two neighbours objected to the decking plan, however.

As well as issues with the outdoor area overlooking other properties, they raised concerns about light pollution, “late night outside drinking”, and “loud music”.

Council planners also noted several letters of support for the decking area, and “the support of the local councillor”.

Backers said the new decking at the Aber Hotel is “much safer than the wall that was there previously, and looks smart”.

They also called it a “great addition to the garden for safety”, making it “a much safer place for people walking by”, according to the council report.

The planning officers accepted the decking will “look directly down towards the properties on Clos Morgan Gryffudd”, but said residents there “have always had an aspect with overlooking from the properties on Ilan Road due to the difference in levels”.

A reported distance of 33 metres between the decking and those properties led the planners to conclude “it is not considered that the proposal would lead to an unacceptable loss of privacy to the nearest dwelling”.

The council’s planning department granted permission for the decking but imposed several conditions, in light of the neighbours’ other concerns.

Those conditions include that the deck must not be used after 10pm, that no music or sound equipment can be used on the deck at any time, and that the lighting on the deck area must be approved by the council.