A NUMBER of residents in one area of Gwent were temporarily left with discoloured water on Wednesday. 

The discoloured water was due to a emergency fix required on a water hydrant by Dwr Cymru Welsh Water. 

Graig Community Council posted on their Facebook page a warning about the discoloured water on Wednesday evening: "Some people may be experiencing discoloured water in the Bassaleg area whilst Welsh Water deal with a fault. Please see the map. Check your individual accounts for more information."

According to Welsh Water, the issue was only temporary, and the emergency fix was required after someone had illegally used the water hydrant. 

It was also confirmed that the issue was promptly resolved. 

An official statement sent to the Argus said: “On Wednesday, a third party illegally connected to a water hydrant on our network which affected one street in Bassaleg with discoloured water. Our team promptly flushed the water main until it was clear and the incident is now resolved.

“Unpermitted connections to our water network are illegal and can cause injury, bursts, and impact water quality. If you spot somebody who might be using a water hydrant illegally, please get in touch with us.”