A “HIGHLY dangerous paedophile” is starting a long jail sentence for committing a catalogue of sexual offences against two young girls.

Ex-bouncer Shaun Canavan, 55, assaulted the two victims from the Caerphilly area when they were aged between six and 10.

Sarah Iles, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court that the abuse took place between the late 1990s and early 2000s.

The assaults included the defendant performing oral sex, acts of penetration and touching them.

The first complainant read her victim impact statement in which she said: “My childhood and innocence were taken away from me.

“I felt shame and disgust. It will continue to affect me for the rest of my life.”

She described Canavan abusing her to satisfy his “monstrous sexual gratification”.

Mrs Iles read out the second victim’s statement in which they said: “This has impacted every aspect of my life.

“I suffer from flashbacks. I can’t get his face out of my head.

“I have been diagnosed with severe post-traumatic stress disorder.”

Canavan, from Cardiff, pleaded guilty to 34 counts of indecent assault.

He has 40 previous convictions for 121 offences which include acts of sex and violence.

The defendant was locked up for 20 years in 2016 after he was found guilty by a jury following a trial of five counts of assault by penetration against a young girl.

Those offences took place between 2005 and 2009.

Joshua Scouller representing the defendant said: “The main mitigation for Mr Canavan is that he entered guilty pleas at the very earliest opportunity.

“He is entitled to the full one-third credit for that.

“There is remorse and he is a man who has reflected on his behaviour.

“His risk now is on the downward trajectory.

“The defendant does feel genuine remorse for what he has done.”

Judge Paul Hobson said Canavan had a “warped mindset”.

He told him: “You are a serial sexual abuser of children.

“You were sexually assaulting girls of primary school age.

“You offended in a range of locations.”

He added: “You spoke to one victim in a menacing way to make sure of her silence.

“Your actions have resulted in devastation for your victims. You pose a sexual risk to young children.

“You are, and remain, a highly dangerous paedophile.

“You have harboured an interest in children for many years.”

Canavan was jailed for 10 years to run consecutively to the 20-year prison sentence imposed in 2016.

Judge Hobson said of the complainants: “I must comment on the bravery of the two victims in coming forward against this defendant.

“That took huge courage and I know it came at a great cost to their well-being.”