ABP will be sponsoring the Western Gateway 2024 convention in Newport.

The Western Gateway Partnership recently confirmed the Association of British Ports (ABP) as a prime sponsor for the convention. 

ABP is the UK's leading port operator, owning and maintaining 21 ports across the UK, one of which is in Newport.

ABP's ports, including Swansea, Port Talbot, Cardiff, Barry, and Newport, manage approximately 25 per cent of the UK's sea trade.

These ports play a crucial role not only as a connecting point between Wales and the rest of the world, but are also key to Wales' green future plans.

ABP will be sponsoring the Net Zero zone of the convention.

The convention will also address other important sectors such as Cyber and Technology, connectivity across the region, area investment, and conservation of the natural scenery.

Set to take place on October 17, at the International Convention Centre in Newport, the Western Gateway Convention promises to be a meaningful discussion between leaders, businesses, academics, and governments from South Wales and Western England.

They will come together to explore ways of nurturing the area's future economy.

It will also herald a fresh "Plan for Sustainable Growth" for the region.

Ralph Windeatt, group head of business development at ABP, said: "We are delighted to partner with the Western Gateway for this high-profile event in Newport.

"The convention provides a great platform for us to exhibit the enormous role ABP is playing, in delivering the future economy and supporting the UK’s energy transition."

Mr Windeatt further explained the critical role ABP's ports would play in promoting low-carbon infrastructure.

In addition to this, ABP is also making significant investments in manufacturing facilities and port infrastructure to develop floating offshore wind in the Celtic Sea.

ABP is working with the South Wales Industrial Cluster to create Clean Growth Hubs around their ports.

These hubs aim to drive industrial decarbonisation and provide new opportunities for investment, growth and jobs.

Sarah Williams-Gardener, chairwoman of the Western Gateway, expressed the organisation's satisfaction with ABP's decision to sponsor the convention.

She said: "ABP is a significant pillar of the Western Gateway economy, we are delighted they have chosen to sponsor our convention in October, showcasing their activities across the area.

"South Wales and Western England hold immense potential to contribute to the UK's prosperity.

"This event will serve as a launchpad demonstrating the collaboration across businesses, governments and local leaders ensuring our Pan Regional area leads the way in creating much needed economic growth for the UK."

The Western Gateway is a regional partnership connecting South Wales to Western England.

For those interested, tickets can be procured from the event's official website.