THE owner of beauty salon Wowzer cosmetics said the vandalism earlier this month won't stop her business 'thriving'.

Mrs Emily Jobbins, 35, said she has CCTV footage of her salon being vandalised at 10.30pm on June 14. 

"Later that evening, a brick was thrown through the window of my mother's house who was 'very upset' and 'in shock", she said. 

The following morning at 8.00am she found out what had happened to the Salon. 

"We got all of our family and they were there the same morning. We cleared all of it. It was put back to right in two days, but it was a lot of work."

"It won't deter me from establishing my business and thriving in the area," she added. 

Ms Jobbins said she received a lot of support from the community and everyone said they were 'surprised' by the incident. 

"Everyone said they have never seen anything like this before. Everyone is quite shocked," she said. 

"I have had lots of offers of help. It has been really positive in that respect and the police are going to increase surveillance in the area," she added. 

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The incident happened only days after she finished refurbishing the salon with the help of her family. 

My step-dad Malcom Tucker is a carpenter and went back to working on the salon only two days after having a knee replacement surgery, 'there was no telling him no,' she said. 

The inside of the salonThe inside of the salon (Image: Emily Jobbins)

"I also had the help of my husband Wayne Jobbin who did a lot of the painting, and my mum Vicky Tucker, who was basically our project manager," she said. 

The salon can be found at 75 Broad Street, Blaenavon and is a teaching salon for several different types of beauty treatments.