Pontypool scouts have turned litter into an art sculpture.

The 1st Garndiffaith Scout group, comprising beavers, cubs and scouts, used items commonly found as litter in a bid to raise awareness about discarded waste.

This project was part of the Torfaen Council competition, appealing to all cub scout groups in the borough.

They built a representation of the Folly Tower using old cardboard boxes and plastic bottles.

This innovative creation bagged the top prize.

Scout leader, Christine Marchant, expressed her joy, saying: "The group had great fun making the Folly Tower out of items which could be litter.

"The children were creative using cardboard boxes, painting jigsaw pieces, plastic bottles, toilet rolls and even the things that separate out pizza in boxes.

"We are thrilled to be chosen as winners and can’t wait to spend our gift card."

In recognition of their efforts, the group received a £50 Works gift card awarded by the council’s litter and fly-tipping prevention officer, Oliver James, who added: "We loved the Folly Tower entry and thought it was a great way to use items which usually end up as litter if they aren’t recycled.

"We would like to thank the council’s Fusion cultural project for providing the prize and helping us to promote the competition."

The winning sculpture will be showcased at Pontypool Park’s Go Wild event on June 29.

It serves as a reminder that tackling litter and fly-tipping is a community’s responsibility.

Torfaen residents are encouraged to join their efforts by borrowing free litter-picking equipment from council hubs.