A NURSERY that has recently reopened after being destroyed by fire was supported by Welsh Water as part of their rebuild. 

Welsh Water, along with Envolve Infrastructure, worked together to help Wibli Wobli Nursery create their inviting outdoor learning space for their visiting children in their new location following the fire.

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water reached out to Wibli Wobli nursery after their previous location was hit by a devastating fire back in January this year.

Wibli Wobli's director Natasha Baker (right) and manager Molly Necrews opened the nursery at their new location on June 3 (Image: NQ) The not-for-profit water company wanted to do all that they could to help the nursery establish a new setting that would allow children between the ages of zero to five to continue flourishing whilst in their care.

Welsh Water teamed up with Envolve Infrastructure to offer volunteering time and resources to transform the nursery’s outdoor space, also offering a helping hand in carrying out painting and preparing the flower beds for the children to enjoy.

The teams worked together to help build the flower beds for Wibli WobliThe teams worked together to help build the flower beds for Wibli Wobli (Image: Welsh Water) Director of Wibli Wobli, Natasha Baker said: “We are grateful for the support from Welsh Water and their contract partners, Envolve. 

"We absolutely love our garden area which looks fantastic and Welsh Water volunteers were a huge help to get us ready to open in time.

"Through the support of community groups alike, the nursery is now able to continue providing Welsh Language childcare and employment in Newport.”

Their new, bigger home means that Wibli Wobli are the first Welsh language childcare facility in Newport that can accommodate babies under two years of age.

Welsh Water’s Head of Community Engagement, Claire Roberts said: “When we first heard about the fire tragedy, we were keen to reach out to Wibli Wobli and offer our help. 

 “Our customers and communities are at the heart of everything we do, so along with Envolve Infrastructure, we worked on the outdoor space.

"We already play a key role in our communities by providing the most essential of services – clean drinking water and treating wastewater before returning it back to the environment and supporting a project such as this creates a deeper purpose to support communities in this way.’’  

Project Manager for Envolve Infrastructure, Simon Williams commented: "We wanted to help facilitate in any way that we could.

"Envolve, along with J&N Civils supplied and fitted the fence which now allows for the children’s outdoor space to be safe and secure.”

You can find out more about Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water community fund and support here.