A REPLACEMENT for a demolished house looks set to be completed 17 years after it was first approved. 

Planning permission was granted for a replacement home for a property known as Tanhurst on Main Road in Undy in 2007 along with a new house in the back garden. 

Tanhurst was then demolished but the replacement wasn’t built and a new planning application was approved in October 2018 for the replacement house at the front of the property. 

The new application had been made as the footprint of the house, and location of the driveway, was altered to accommodate a public sewer running along the western side of the plot. 

Monmouthshire County Council’s planning department has now agreed an amendment to the 2018 approval to allow a single storey extension at the back of the proposed new house with a door, to the kitchen, on the side wall. 

The application was approved as a non-material amendment after the planning department agreed it remained within planning policy, there is no disadvantage to any third party and there is no detrimental impact from the changes that remain in scale with the original plans. 

It was also confirmed works on the foundations and drainage had started within five years of the 2018 approval.