A new all-weather sports pitch could be built on unused land in Tredegar Park, as part of Newport City Council’s plans to improve facilities there.

The local authority bought the land in February for £500,000 to bring the park into public ownership.

The council’s vision includes a new cafe and sensory garden, and work has already begun on a “splash pad” that is making its long-awaited return to the park.

Planning permission is now being sought for a new multi-use games area (MUGA) to the north of the existing tennis courts.

The floodlit MUGA, if approved and built, will have a pitch area measuring 60 metres by 40 metres, and will be available online via a booking system and “smart access gate”.

Documents show the land proposed for the development is currently vacant but was previously a football field.

The application is currently out for public consultation, and can be viewed on the Newport City Council website under reference 24/0529.