A KEY ROAD IN MONMOUTHSHIRE is set to closed to vehicles for a whole month. 

Agincourt Square in Monmouth, a hub for much of the community as it is near shops, will not be accessible to vehicles for the whole of July. 

Vehicles will be banned from proceeding down this road while a new water pipe is put in place by Morrison Water Services, in partnership with Welsh Water Dwr Cymru. 

The closure is expected to be put in place from Tuesday, July 2 until Wednesday, July 31, with all vehicles banned during this time period. 

A diverted route for traffic has been highlighted on a map shared by Monmouthshire County Council on social media. 

Vehicles will be directed to turn right down Agincourt Street from Monnow Street, follow the road around and come back up St John's Street before ending up back on Monnow Street in the opposite direction.