AN INDEPENDENT local café and sports bar is being forced to close its doors this weekend for good. 

The Unit, based in Afon Court in Caerphilly was launched in early March this year, but has encountered numerous setbacks with financial and council issues over the past six months. 

These issues have left them with no choice but to close up shop at the end of this month, on Sunday, June 30. 

An official farewell party is set for Saturday from 7pm, with live music and entertainment, to see what the team has described as "the end of an era". 

Announcing the sad news on social media on Sunday, June 23, the team wrote: "I write this with the heaviest of hearts. 

"Myself, Jack and Ked are so sorry that we will be closing the door on the Unit at the end of the month, after fighting the local authorities for months, we have had 10 visits from 10 different bodies.

"We have done everything they have asked but to the other body that comes in, to say it’s WRONG. So the money wasted and the work gone into it, for nothing as nothing seems be good enough for them!

"The council have given us challenges after challenges and just for the record, we had a verbal agreement for our times with the planning and licensing also the police for them to turn around at the last minute and reject what was verbally agreed and added more challenges. We have not had any objections from the public or any businesses.

"We would like to thank from the bottom of our hearts our loyal customers, darts boys, pool boys, football teams, all the parties we have done for all you amazing friends and families, and most of all our amazing staff that are continuing to work for us.

"We are sorry we couldn’t make it work for you

"We will be having our final party (Leaving party) on the 29th June."

The team have also put the bar's assets, and the business itself, up for sale. 

Caerphilly Council have been contacted for a comment.