Pippa Bartolotti

Pippa Bartolotti (Image: Submitted)

Your connection to the constituency 
I have lived in Newport East for almost 40 years. My children were brought up here and my business started and grew in the area. Newport is my strongest root. 
Tell voters something about you 
My life as a human rights campaigner has always run in parallel to my professional work. From early days as a Samaritan, to speaker for Amnesty, I have constantly campaigned for the rights of the voiceless. I’ve driven an aid convoy from Newport to Gaza, and been imprisoned in Israel.  
What is the biggest issue/challenge in the constituency 
My background is strategy and business management. There are too many struggling small businesses in Newport and too may empty shops. I will use my best endeavours to enable growth in the business we have and to attract other young business to join them.  
What is the best thing about the constituency 
The people. We are a city of promise and diversity. I have long seen the potential here, and it distresses me that people are held back. It’s complicated, but that’s part of the challenge. I love a challenge! 
What is your top priority if elected 
Poverty and inequality are the blight of Wales. I would work to bring in an Inequality Reduction Act to prevent any new law from increasing inequality. I would work with other MPs to bring more money into Wales for our communities. 

Rachel Buckler

Rachel BucklerRachel Buckler (Image: Submitted)
Welsh Conservative Party

Your connection to the constituency
I have lived in south east Wales for more than 35 years and have a great love of Newport and Monmouthshire. I am a county councillor in Monmouthshire.
Tell voters something about you
I live with my family on a farm in Monmouthshire. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than being able to help people and I became involved in politics because I wanted to give something back to society. I believe in balance, and there is no balance if Labour has a stranglehold in Wales.
What is the biggest issue/challenge in the constituency
This M4 gridlock, which is crippling businesses and residents in Newport and has huge knock-on effects throughout South Wales. Labour, despite spending £157 million has failed to deal with this. I am calling for residents to have their say.   
What is the best thing about the constituency
It is the gateway to south east Wales. There is huge potential here. I love the beautiful River Usk and the history of Newport. The Gwent Levels is an exceptional landscape, as are the green lungs around Newport.
What is your top priority if elected 
The regeneration of Newport is the critical thing. We need a new City Task Force to bring innovation and vitality. We need to solve the M4 gridlock, tackle crime and anti-social behaviour, and look after the Gwent Levels and support our farmers.

Jonathan Thomas Clark

Jonathan Thomas ClarkJonathan Thomas Clark (Image: Submitted)
Plaid Cymru

Your connection to the constituency: 
I was born, brought up and went to school and college in Newport, live (in Newport West). And have worked in Newport for most of my life, save for periods working away. Season ticket holder with Newport County and the Dragons
Tell voters something about you:
Married, live in Newport. Attended St Julian’s Comprehensive School, have an MPhil in Roman Archaeology from Cardiff Uni. I work in recruitment in Cardiff. Previously worked at Newport University and the Metropolitan Police Service press office, in London. I was a trainee journalist on the Pontypool Free Press.
What is the biggest issue/challenge in the constituency
There is no one big issue rather a series of interconnected issues – the lack of affordable housing, the lack of decent integrated public transport system, and the lack of an economic focus in the city centre. 
What is the best thing about the constituency 
Our people who have had to be resilient, and adaptable having faced crisis after crisis. Our city should be a centre in to develop offshore wind, tidal lagoons in the estuary and underwater tidal turbines.
What is your top priority if elected 
To be Newport’s voice in Westminster rather than Westminster’s voice in Newport East, and ensure that Newport’s voice is heard.

Mike Ford

Mike Ford (Image: Submitted)
Heritage Party

Your connection to the constituency: 
I was born in Malpas and raised in the Corporation Road area. I work as an accounts clerk for a container company on the Eastern Wharf.
Tell voters something about you:
My wife and I celebrated our pearl wedding last year and we have two grown-up children. I have a lifelong interest in speedway racing (I contributed cycle speedway match reports for the South Wales Argus in the 80s), am a former hospital radio presenter and presently volunteer at the Dolman Theatre.
What is the biggest issue/challenge in the constituency
The biggest challenges to the constituency are caused by devolution under which we have ten-hour waits for ambulances/doctors, 20mph, drag queen story hour and sex education for infants/juniors. And we must never forget the ridiculous Covid regulations.
What is the best thing about the constituency 
The best thing about the constituency is, undoubtedly, the people who rejected devolution twice, who voted to leave the EU and who took a stand against the covid/jab regulations no matter what brickbats were thrown at them. Remember “Covidiots march through Newport”.
What is your top priority if elected 
To end the sexualisation of infants/juniors via the Relationships and Sex Education. I want school to be about “Education not Indoctrination”.

Lauren James
Green Party

We approached the candidate for a

John Miller

John Miller (Image: Submitted)
Liberal Democrats

Your connection to the constituency 
As a child I would visit Newport every Saturday, then a thriving hub to its community and those surrounding it. I have lived in the city since 2009.
Tell voters something about you
Most of my career was spent performing various sales roles in the steel trade. I am a keen football fan and play tennis locally. I rejoined the party in 2015 and was parliamentary candidate in Torfaen in 2019.
What is the biggest issue/challenge in the constituency 
After 50 years of representation by Labour at all levels, the city’s reputation is in tatters. People voting constantly for a national franchise which has done nothing for this city is destroying it. Change will only be possible by rethinking policing, housing and economic strategy. How can people justify more of the same?
What is the best thing about the constituency 
The potential for the city, if run properly is immense. From the Celtic Manor to Tredegar House we have attractions which can bring both visitors and inward investment.
What is your top priority if elected 
The challenge is to restore the city’s reputation. A joined up plan for the city centre is a must. Refocus the retail offer in a smaller area, bring in more jobs and living space. Above all, a fresh approach to policing. E-bikes exceeding speed limits on pavements, for example, must cease.

Jessica Morden

Jessica MordenJessica Morden (Image: Submitted)
Welsh Labour

Your connection to the constituency 
I live in Maindee with my partner and two teenagers, and I have been the MP for Newport East since 2005.
Tell voters something about you
I grew up in Cwmbran, and before being elected I was a volunteer and worked in the Welsh Labour Party. I love giving a voice to constituents and businesses here. In my spare time I enjoy running in the Wetlands and watching live music in our city centre grassroots venues.
What is the biggest issue/challenge in the constituency 
The cost-of-living crisis, anti-social behaviour and the city centre. If re-elected, I would work closely with the council and Senedd Members to support the ongoing redevelopment of our city centre now it is part of the Newport East constituency. I would continue to press for greater resources for local police, including tackling anti-social use of e-scooters and bikes. 
What is the best thing about the constituency 
We have fantastic community groups and charities who have pride in our city, as well as brilliant small independent businesses which alongside traditional industries like steel, need our support. We also have a very special history which I would work actively as part of a team to promote.  
What is your top priority if elected 
To use my voice to represent the views of the people who live in Newport East in Parliament. If re-elected, I will continue to be an active and approachable constituency MP, holding regular surgeries and visiting local groups, schools and businesses, regularly reporting back to you. 

Tommy Short
Reform UK

Your connection to the constituency
I have lived in the Beechwood area with family and friends who still reside here, fostering strong community ties.  
Tell voters something about you
I really care about local growth and prosperity. With experience of business and organising local events, I’ve seen first hand the importance of supporting local enterprises and fostering community spirit. 
What is the biggest issue/challenge in the constituency
Revitalising the local economy and creating jobs. Many businesses are struggling, and unemployment remains high. We need to support our local enterprises and bring new opportunities to all of Newport East.   
What is the best thing about the constituency
Its vibrant community spirit and rich history. The resilience and pride of the residents are evident in the strong sense of community and heritage. 
What is your top priority if elected
To boost the local economy by supporting small businesses, creating jobs, and improving local infrastructure. This will help ensure a prosperous future for Newport East and all its residents.