Young people in Newport who have recently passed their driving test have the chance to take an enhanced course to improve their skills and awareness.

This opportunity is through Pass Plus Cymru, a driver training course specifically designed for drivers aged between 17 and 25.

The course emphasises crucial elements of driving such as techniques, hazard awareness, managing busy traffic conditions, navigating rural roads, and even motorway driving.

One standout feature of the course is its affordability- only £20.

Furthermore, participants won't feel the pressure of a test, as there isn't one.

The flexibility and convenience of the course are worth noting too.

Upcoming dates include July 9, September 10, October 10, November 8, and January 9.

Each course is two hours long, running from 6pm until 8pm on Microsoft Teams.

However, places are limited to six per session, making early booking essential.

Interestingly, the Pass Plus programme also addresses risky driving behaviour through its 'Deadly Mates' initiative.

Aimed at curbing reckless practices like excessive speeding and tailgating, it reminds young drivers of the severe risks associated with such actions.

Motorcyclists, also needing critical road safety skills, can find resources on the Wales By Bike website, created by experienced bikers.

For younger road users, primary schools in Newport provide cycle training to National Standards Level 1, delivered by Newport Live.

For more information or to book a Pass Plus course, visit the Newport City Council website.