Techniquest will be hosting a special free event later this year.

Teaming up with the UKRI Natural Environment Research Council and the National Oceanography Centre, they will stage the 'Archwiliwch ein planed - Explore our planet' event between October 18-20.

Aimed at bringing the world of environmental science to the public, the event will feature a host of activities, including hands-on attractions and talks by some of the UK's top environmental scientists.

Visitors can also look forward to free access to Techniquest, the Cardiff-based science discovery centre.

A unique feature of the event is a research ship that the general public can visit in Cardiff Bay.

Professor Louise Heathwaite, executive chair of NERC, said: "We’re incredibly lucky in the UK to be home to some of the world-leading environmental scientists who, together with researchers across multiple disciplines are identifying and helping to solve global environmental challenges.

"The ‘Archwiliwch ein planed - Explore our planet’ event will give everyone an opportunity to take a look and get involved, meeting the scientists that are delivering this research and learning about how we can live sustainably on planet Earth".

As part of the event, the National Oceanography Centre (NOC), one of the world's top oceanographic institutions, will be bringing the Royal Research Ship, The James Cook, to Cardiff.

Dr John Siddorn, NOC CEO, said: "This is a unique opportunity for the public to visit a working research ship and understand what life on the ocean is like for our researchers and crew.

"Adults and children can see first-hand what it’s like on the ship, and we may even inspire some to become the oceanographers of the future".

Sue Wardle, CEO of Techniquest, also shared her excitement about the event: "We are delighted to partner with NERC and NOC for this fantastic event, and we look forward to welcoming visitors to Techniquest.

"It is going to be a fun weekend of activities and a wonderful opportunity to meet the experts to find out more about their important work.

"In the lead up to the weekend we will also be working with schools to encourage budding scientists to take part and join in".

In the coming weeks, Techniquest will be contacting eligible schools, giving them the chance to secure a spot at this highly anticipated event.

Members of the public interested in this event can sign up to the Techniquest e-newsletter via their website to find out more information and when the general admission tickets will be available.