Businesses in Wales need more support according to Chambers Wales following the release of its second quarter figures.

They reveal that companies trading globally faced significant challenges, with 46 per cent reporting a decrease in export sales over the last three months.

38 per cent documented their sales remained unchanged during this period and over half (54 per cent) said export orders and bookings had also dipped in Q2.

The situation contrasts with what domestically-trading Welsh firms experienced.

From this group, which makes up 48 per cent of the survey's participants, three-quarters reported their sales stayed consistent or even increased.

Plus, 29 per cent saw domestic orders and bookings grow.

These businesses highlighted the need for access to new markets, both domestic and international, as a recovery strategy.

Chambers Wales South East, South West and Mid CEO, Paul Butterworth, identified a demand for more exporting assistance.

He said: "Wales has so much to offer to the world but, as our latest survey shows, more exporting support is needed.

"It is imperative that businesses who wish to trade internationally receive the correct support and guidance to connect, trade and thrive on the global stage, whether that is from specialist teams within our Chamber network or through government programmes."

Despite these challenges, a positive forecast emerged.

Half of the businesses surveyed predicted improved profitability within the next 12 months, and 59 per cent anticipated a better turnover.

Furthermore, a small uplift in the number of businesses increasing their investment plans for training and equipment suggested a growing confidence.

Mr Butterworth sees these as positive indicators.

He added: "It is heartening to see the positivity of the Welsh business community, particularly the gradual shift in confidence that has allowed some businesses to make plans to invest in their resources, people and skills.

"With inflation now at its lowest level in years, and interest rates hopefully soon to follow suit, we hope that the incoming government will foster an environment of economic stability that puts Welsh business on a trajectory to a higher-growth future."