A children's theatre company will be bringing a new play across South Wales.

Theatr Iolo, Wales' leading children's theatre company, is producing a new touring show, The Welsh Dragon, that celebrates Britain's black ancestry.

Using the mythological story of the Welsh dragon, this play fuses verse, rhyme, music and rap.

It is set to challenge audiences of all ages to question the stories passed down from one generation to the next.

The Welsh Dragon will premiere at Chapter in Cardiff on October 7, 2024, before touring across South Wales, including performances in Abertillery, Newport, Barry, and Blackwood.

Playwright Kyle Lima commented on his motivation for writing The Welsh Dragon, saying he wanted to challenge the "conventions and assumptions people often make about what British and Welsh people are."

Mr Lima hopes the play will revise people's understanding of British ancestry and shatter the belief that all British people are white and originated from the same place.

Theatr Iolo's artistic director and chief executive, Lee Lyford, emphasised the importance of children hearing the truth behind the tales and myths they encounter.

He praised Mr Lima's play for its ability to do this with a fun, energetic approach and also with a deep respect for the dragon on Wales' national flag.

The plot revolves around a Welsh castle's walls starting to crumble due to two dungeon-dwelling dragons.

The only way to stop their destructive feud is by someone of pure Welsh heritage.

But how does one determine a person's Welshness?

Beyond this entertaining storyline, the play seeks to explore deeper topics, inviting audiences to ponder upon identity and ethnicity, and the origins of human life in the British Isles.

The production team for The Welsh Dragon comprises Ewa Dina as director, Kyle Legall as designer, and Eadyth Crawford as composer.

Lighting will be managed by Katy Morison.

The cast for the play will be confirmed closer to its premiering date.

While the tour dates are already set, with performances in Cardiff from October 7 to 9 (previews on October 7 and 8 which are suitable for school groups. The 1pm showing on October 9 is suitable for school groups and will include audio description. The October 9 7pm showing will have audio description and BSL interpretation), the show will be staged in Abertillery's The Met on October 11.

Performances in Newport are scheduled for October 18 and 19 at the Riverfront (relaxed performance at 2pm on October 19), while Barry can anticipate the show at the Memo Centre on October 23.

Blackwood will see the play on its final date on the tour, November 2. The 2pm performance at Blackwood Miners' Institute will feature BSL interpretation and audio description.

The BSL interpretations will be carried out by Nikki Champagnie Harris. The performances will run for one hour and are suitable for children aged seven to 13.