A PRIMARY SCHOOL in Gwent is set to welcome back their crossing patrol team two years after the last person in the post retired. 

Blackwood Primary School has been without a lollipop person since the last person in the role retired back in January 2022. 

The Argus understands that the school was told the council had decided not to continue the service at the time. 

Independent councillor Kevin Etheridge, alongside concerned parents and the school, launched a petition calling for the service to be resumed. 

As of June 2024, the petition had a total of 450 signatures, which resulted in the council announcing they would begin the interview process for a new person for the role. 

On June 11, Caerphilly Council sent an email to Cllr Etheridge among others which confirmed they had selected someone to take over the role of 'School Crossing Patrol' for Blackwood Primary School. 

While the announcement confirmed someone had been found for the role, it was noted that a start date was yet to be finalised. 

The email, seen by the Argus, said: "Interviews took place earlier today for the role of School Crossing Patrol for Blackwood Primary School and I am pleased to inform you that we were successful in appointing someone for the position.

"As you may appreciate HR will be required to complete their processes which does take a little time.

"Therefore we cannot confirm a commencement date (as of yet) but you will be informed of developments as they unfold."

Cllr Etheridge told the Argus he was "delighted" at the news, calling it "marvellous", with the school also expressing their thanks at his hard work and commitment to the cause. 

He continued: "Following the 450-strong petition submitted and the re-evaluation of the School Crossing Patrol, I am pleased that the authority has agreed in the interests of safety of pupils crossing this busy road with the appointment confirmed."