More than 5,000 people attended the 2024 Blaenavon World Heritage Day event.

The town's World Heritage Day made a magnificent comeback on June 29, bursting with a wealth of activities and performances for everyone to enjoy.

The theme this year was "Natural Heritage, Habitats, and Happiness", with the event lasting the entire day.

People of all ages took part in the eventPeople of all ages took part in the event (Image: SJB Photography)

The occasion was bursting with things to do and see, from a funfair and inflatable castles to fairground games for families.

Fire engine, police van, and waste recycle van exploration stations were arranged, offering a unique and hands-on learning experience.

Balloon modelling, hair braiding, face painting, and a magic show had the crowds buzzing with excitement.

There was a parade through the townThere was a parade through the town (Image: SJB Photography)

The schedule also included an owl handling demonstration for animal enthusiasts and a community parade with more than 15 organisations and clubs showing their pride in the heritage of Blaenavon.

Marshmallow roasting on campfires added a cosy touch to the celebrations.

More than 5,000 attendedMore than 5,000 attended (Image: SJB Photography)

Ashleigh Taylor, chairperson of the World Heritage Day Committee, expressed her contentment with the turnout.

She said: "The revival of Blaenavon's World Heritage Day has been a spectacular success.

"Seeing our community come together to celebrate our shared history and culture has been incredibly rewarding.

"We are grateful for the support of Torfaen Borough Council and the dedication of our volunteers who made this event possible."

The mayor of Blaenavon, Cllr Nathan Matthews, appreciated the grand scale of the event.

He said: "It’s the first time in several years that World Heritage Day has been held on such a grand scale.

There was a range of entertainmentThere was a range of entertainment (Image: SJB Photography)

"Thanks to the support of the Shared Prosperity Fund and the fantastic efforts of the World Heritage Day Committee this year’s event will mark a return to the World Heritage Days we fondly remember."

He added: "As mayor of Blaenavon, I extend my sincere thanks to the committee and the volunteers who have worked tirelessly to organise this event.

"I also wish to thank the organisations, businesses, and individuals who have supported and participated.

"Your dedication and hard work are greatly appreciated."

There were activities for allThere were activities for all (Image: SJB Photography)

Ashleigh Taylor also commented on the future of the event, saying: "As Blaenavon continues to celebrate its heritage and look towards the future, the World Heritage Day stands as a shining example of what can be achieved through community effort and support.

"The anticipation for next year’s celebration is already building, promising even more excitement and community spirit."