A DRUG dealer was caught with £1,800 cash in his wallet and cocaine worth £560 when police stopped his car.

Toby Chadwick, 20, was pulled over in Newport whilst driving a Renault Twingo with a passenger sat next to him on Saturday, July 30, 2022.

The vehicle was suspected of being involved in the drug trade, prosecutor Paul Hewitt said.

He told Newport Crown Court: “As well as the cash and drugs, a mobile phone was also recovered and a drug expert witness found it to have numerous references to the supply of cocaine.”

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Chadwick, from Undy, Monmouthshire was released under investigation and went on to continue selling drugs.

In February the son of senior civil servants was locked up for 30 months after he was caught with 10 grammes of cocaine.

The court heard on that occasion he was found slumped over the wheel of a Toyota Yaris car between December 8 and December 9, 2023 on Llanwern Road in Newport after police received a tip-off.

A postal requisition for the 2022 offence was sent out to him after he was sent into custody for last year’s offences.

(Image: Toby Chadwick. Gwent Police)

The court was told there should have been “joined up thinking” by prosecutors to ensure that both matters were dealt with at the same time.

In respect of the matter from two years ago, Chadwick pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine.

Owen Williams representing the defendant said: “He is motivated to work when he regains his liberty and wants to work in the field of mechanics.

“The defendant wishes to avail himself of any course that is of made available to him in Parc Prison which can improve his situation for gaining employment in that area.

“Regrettably he instructs me that all courses in Park Prison at the moment have been suspended because of understaffing and general issues in the prison that are being dealt with.

“He wants to work as a mechanic in the motor racing industry or sport and he's already made contacts there.”

The judge, Recorder David Payne, said that Chadwick told a probation officer that a drug debt and been passed on to him and he had been threatened by a dealer.

He added to the defendant: “You appear to have been manipulated into selling drugs by others further up the chain.”

Chadwick was sent to a young offender institution for an extra 10 months on top of the 30 months imposed in February, effectively meaning he has a custodial sentence of 40 months.

He will serve half before being released.