The First Minister for Wales has set out the legislation that will be a focus for the remainder of the Senedd term.

On July 9, Vaughan Gething highlighted his legislative priorities for the Welsh Government, expressing his ambitions for a "fairer, stronger, greener Wales."

Primary legislative priorities include improving transport, addressing the climate emergency, and protecting citizens and communities.

The legislative programme includes The Bus Bill, The Building Safety Bill, Disused Tips (Mines and Quarries) Bill, Homelessness Bill, Visitor Accommodation (Regulation) Bill, Environmental Principles and Biodiversity Bill, and a Bill to implement a visitor levy.

The Bus Bill aims to unify the bus network across Wales, prioritising passengers over profit.

A significant change away from car-dominated travel is hoped.

The Building Safety Bill will address fire safety concerns for buildings more than 11 metres tall and reform existing safety regulations.

The Disused Tips (Mines and Quarries) Bill will modify outdated laws regarding tip safety, while the Homelessness Bill is set to introduce substantial reforms to keep citizens secure in their homes and prevent homelessness.

The Visitor Accommodation (Regulation) Bill will enforce a set of standards for those who provide visitor accommodations to ensure safety and enrich the visitor experience.

The Environmental Principles and Biodiversity Bill seeks to address the nature and climate emergency by implementing a statutory environmental governance body and introducing legal targets for biodiversity protection and restoration.

Additionally, a tax for overnight visitors, aimed at bolstering sustainable tourism, can also be expected under the introduction of a local authority-based visitor levy.

Towards the end of the current Senedd term, the First Minister intends to bring forward a bill to modernise Wales' current planning law, which he characterised as "increasingly inaccessible and overly complex."

The government also intends to consult on a draft Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles Bill.

Addressing the Senedd, the First Minister said: "Both our record of delivery and our plans for the future reflect our commitment to radical and transformative change for every corner of Wales as we focus our resources on what matters most in people's daily lives."

He also stated: "From completely reshaping the public transport system to protecting our critical infrastructure and safeguarding the environment, our ambitious legislative programme will make a real difference to the lives of people all across Wales."

He concluded: "I look forward to both a renewed, genuine partnership with the new UK Government and to continuing to work with Members across this Siambr as we strive towards unlocking more opportunities across Wales and delivering positive, progressive change."