A BELOVED care home resident has recently celebrated a major milestone birthday in style. 

Dorothy Ravenhill was born in Newport in 1924 and has lived in the city all her life with her husband John. 

The couple have raised four children over the years, with Dorothy moving into Crick Care Home in Caldicot nearly four years ago. 

Dorothy has always been a keen lover of music and used to enjoy playing the piano until her health deteriorated. 

However, that's never stopped her love of music, which continues to this day, and she loves all forms of music, in particular the genre defined as 'golden oldies'. 

Birthday girl Dorothy celebrated with staff and fellow residentsBirthday girl Dorothy celebrated with staff and fellow residents (Image: Crick Care Home) To mark her milestone centenary birthday,  staff at Crick Care Home decided to put together a small party in her honour, and even contacted a very unique entertainment duo to perform at the event. 

Samantha Hopper, activities co-ordinator at Crick Care Home found grandfather and grandson duo Frankie Johns, from Bristol, and  eight year old Lucianno Mortimore from Undy, through social media and contacted them to perform at the party. 

She said: "I saw a video of Lucianno and his grandad on Facebook, where they were dressed as Elvis, and I just knew I had to get them for Dorothy's birthday.

"We know she absolutely loved it and we were so happy to be able to put this together for her."  

Lucianno is only eight years old, but has been performing in a golden oldies duo with his grandfather for the last three years. 

According to Lucianno's family, he says that he enjoys making the elderly happy with his music.

They added: "He loves to see them singing along when he performs. As far as he's concerned, if they are happy, so is he."

The pair performed a 45 minute set of golden oldies, before finishing with a finale of Elvis songs. 

Lucianno with his grandad Frankie (left) and Crick Care Home carer Jose (centre) as an Elvis trioLucianno with his grandad Frankie (left) and Crick Care Home carer Jose (centre) as an Elvis trio (Image: Crick Care Home)

Ms Hopper added: "At the end, we even got one of our carers, Jose, to dress up as Elvis with the two of them, so we had a trio of Elvis.

"We all had a brilliant time celebrating Dorothy's birthday, and can't thank Frankie and Lucianno enough."