A MOTORCYCLIST was high on drugs when he rode off at high speed through city streets escaping from the police.

Daniel Thorpe, 28, was told by a judge it was “miraculous” he hadn’t crashed during the pursuit in Newport last summer.

The city’s crown court heard how the defendant tested positive for cannabis after being arrested on his Kawasaki motorbike.

The lengthy chase lasted 25 minutes.

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Thorpe pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, drug driving, driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence, driving with no insurance and possession of cannabis.

(Image: Daniel Thorpe. Gwent Police)

The offences took place on August 24, 2023.

Harry Baker representing the defendant urged the court to suspend his client’s sentence.

His barrister said: “He’s in a bad way physically and he might be difficult to manage in prison.”

Mr Baker added: “The defendant has a girlfriend who he is going to have children with.

“She appears to be a very good influence upon him and there seems to be some promise and development in his life.”

Judge Daniel Williams told Thorpe: “Police saw you back on August 24 of last year on your motorbike on Chepstow Road.

“You rode off when you saw them and you rode off at high speed.

“On occasion you were on the wrong side of the road and on one occasion you rode on to a public footpath

“You carried out dangerous overtaking manoeuvres and the fact that there wasn't a collision is miraculous.

“You were seen in addition to go the wrong way around roundabout and to embark upon a very persistent course of very bad driving.”

The judge added: “You have previous convictions in respect of 34 offences, including motoring offences but relatively few and from some time ago.

“Your previous responses, it has to be said, to community penalties has been poor.”

Thorpe, of Ogmore Crescent, Bettws, Newport was jailed for eight months and banned from driving for two years and four months.

He will have to sit an extended driving test to obtain a licence.