A Tredegar drainage and pumping services company has been awarded £20,000 in support from Blaenau Gwent Business Development Grant.  

Two of the jobs of two employees were at risk and the grant has helped secure their jobs. 

The money has also allowed MetroRod to update their equipment and be able to provide their customers with a greater service.  

The company is a successful start-up which began in 2012 and now has 41 employees and a multimillion-pound turn over. 

Ben Witcomb of MetroRod said: “Our equipment was limiting the services we could provide to our customers. It was fine for smaller diameter drains but could not cope with the bigger systems. 

“One of our biggest companies is Welsh Water/Dwr Cymru, we work for them across Southeast Wales, throughout Powys and across the border in Hereford and Gloucester. 

“Without the grant we could not have purchased the equipment and the employment of two workers was at risk.  

“The grant enabled us to purchase state of the art equipment in a camera van that now enables us to survey sewerage systems up to 1200mm in diameter.  

“Even more importantly, it secured employment for two of our workers.” 

Cllr John Morgan, is a cabinet member for the council’s Place & Regeneration and Economic Development. 

“Metrorod are a great local success story growing from a start-up in 2012 to now having 41employees and a multimillion-pound turn over.  

"It is great to see a local company grow and to support them on to bigger and better things,” he said. 

The Blaenau Gwent Business Development Grant is funded by UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund and managed by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council.  

The Business Development Grant aims to support the growth and development of new and existing businesses in Blaenau Gwent. 

In the photo left to right: Councillor John Morgan & Ben Witcomb (Company Director – Metro Rod)