Students on an additional learning needs course at Coleg Gwent were treated to a special trip to France.

This unique overseas travel experience was arranged exclusively for learners with additional needs for the first time.

There are 240 learners on the Independent Living Skills (ILS) courses and 10 went on the trip, which was coordinated in partnership with the LEARN Institute and financially supported by Taith.

On July 15, coinciding with World Youth Skills Day, Coleg Gwent acknowledged the exceptional achievement of these students.

The trip to Paris and Chantilly offered learners the chance to encounter many pivotal moments – their first venture outside the UK, using of public transport, and air travel experience.

They were taken to the Eiffel Tower and Disneyland Paris.

They also learned to navigate the Paris metro system independently, manage large crowds, and spend time away from parents.

The students visited Disneyland Paris as part of the tripThe students visited Disneyland Paris as part of the trip (Image: Coleg Gwent)

These activities form a crucial part of the broader ILS curriculum aimed at equipping learners with essential life skills.

These include money management, cooking, career planning, and self-esteem growth.

One parent of a learner named Curtis shared her joy when he returned from the trip.

She said: "This was Curtis' first trip without me, so there were a lot of mixed emotions, but I knew it would be a trip of a lifetime.

"Whilst he was nervous to go at first, he absolutely loved it! It has really helped him become more independent."

Jonathan Smith, head of school for ILS at Coleg Gwent, expressed his satisfaction with the outcome of their pilot expedition.

Mr Smith said: "Our first overseas visit was a great success.

"Our students faced various challenges, such as managing crowds, using unfamiliar transportation, living independently, and handling money.

""This is a tremendous achievement for everyone involved, and I couldn't be prouder to be part of a community that consistently strives to support learners in fun and engaging ways."

Fortunately, this landmark journey may be the first of many.

Encouraged by the triumph of this trip, Coleg Gwent is contemplating more such opportunities to instill essential independence skills among its learners that could be applied to both their academic and personal lives.