A MAN who posted naked pictures of a woman on Facebook was also caught with child sex abuse and bestiality films and photos.

Gareth Prosser, 36, of no fixed abode, Newport committed the offences while he was snorting cocaine.

The defendant had “humiliated” the woman pictured on social media, Judge David Wynn Morgan said, and her family and workmates had seen them.

Christopher Evans, prosecuting, told Newport Crown Court: “Her employer and colleagues were aware and she says she had to change jobs due to embarrassment.”

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Prosser had 276 category A child abuse images, the most serious kind.

Mr Evans said they included ones showing the rape of a young child and the attempted sexual assault of a baby which was graphically described to the court.

There were a further 161 category B and 177 category C images.

The defendant had 85 bestiality images with one showing a woman having sex with a dog.

Prosser pleaded guilty to disclosing a private sexual photograph or film.

He also admitted three counts of possession of an indecent photograph of a child and one count of possession of an extreme pornographic image.

The offences occurred between May 4, 2019 and August 15, 2023.

Prosser, represented by his barrister Ben Waters, was described as a “hard-working man” when he was sober.

Judge Wynn Morgan told the defendant: “The court is going to resist the temptation to send you immediately to prison and will instead make you the subject of a community order.”

Prosser was sentenced to a 24-month community order.

He will have to carry out 250 hours of unpaid work and complete a 35-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

For the next five years the defendant will have to register as a sex offender, be the subject of a sexual harm prevention order and restraining order not to contact the woman.

He will also have to pay a statutory surcharge.