A SECOND-HAND car salesman was exposed as a drug dealer when police found cocaine hidden in his underpants.

Disqualified driver Alex Younis, 22, was caught when officers pulled him over in his car on The Coldra in Newport on Friday, January 13 last year.

They found 12 wraps of cocaine inside a Kinder egg capsule he had put in his pants.

The class A drugs had a potential street value of between £360 and £480, prosecutor Paul Hewitt told Cardiff Crown Court.

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Police also seized Younis’ mobile phone which contained text bombs offering cocaine for sale.

The defendant, of Winchester Close, Newport pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply a class A drug.

Joshua Scouller representing Younis told the court his client had played “a limited role under direction with no influence on others in the chain”.

His barrister said the defendant had been “a naïve and immature” young man when he had committed the offence.

Younis had since set up a business dealing in second hand cars with Mr Scouller asking for the lengthy delay in the proceedings to be taken into consideration.

He added: “Your honour will be well aware that people who are in steady, stable employment of some kind or another are far less likely to involve themselves in criminality.

“The defendant recognises the very, very stupid mistake that he made in involving himself in this way and indeed in becoming involved in the supply and taking of class A drugs.”

He was now drug-free, it was said in further mitigation.

The judge, Recorder Christian Jewett, said he was going to pass a prison sentence but would suspend it because of the “realistic prospect of rehabilitation”.

Younis was jailed for 18 months, suspended for 18 months.

He will have to carry out 175 hours of unpaid work in the community.

The defendant must pay a £187 victim surcharge and £150 towards prosecution costs.

The court ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the cocaine.