A DRUG dealer walked free from court after it took the police two years to charge him.

Shane Roberts, 31, from Caldicot was caught with wraps of cocaine worth £560 when he was arrested on Friday, November 18, 2022.

The defendant was a passenger in a Vauxhall Astra car that had been pulled over and he told officers he was on his way to a party.

Roberts said the cocaine was for his own personal use but then contradicted himself by admitting he was intending to supply some of it to friends.

The drugs had a purity of between 53 per cent and 62 per cent.

Despite being caught red-handed and with drug-related messages on a mobile phone, he wasn’t summoned to appear before magistrates until the end of May this year.

Jac Brown, prosecuting, told Newport Crown Court: “There is no explanation from the police as to the delay in bringing the case to court.

“It doesn't appear to be the fault of Mr Roberts in any way, I can say that.”

Roberts, of Station Close, pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply cocaine.

He had three previous convictions for five offences but none that were relevant.

Ben Waters representing the defendant said the police delay was “wholly inexcusable”.

He told the court how his client had turned his life around since committing this offence.

Roberts had kept out of trouble, had a job and taken steps to rid himself of his cocaine use and curb his drinking after working with the Gwent Drug and Alcohol Service.

The defendant had also been assessed by probation as presenting “a low risk of reoffending”.

Judge Paul Hobson said he was prepared to suspend Roberts’ prison sentence because of the delay.

He was jailed for two years, suspended for 18 months.

The defendant has to carry out 250 hours of unpaid work in the community and complete a 10-day rehabilitation activity requirement.