It’s fantastic to be back in Parliament, getting to work as part of a new Labour government, and with a new constituency – Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney.

I’d like to thank everyone who came out to volunteer and lend a hand during the campaign, spreading our message of "change".

It was a great campaign, with much positivity coming through on the doorsteps right across our valleys.

Labour had a strong result here. I gained the highest Labour majority in Wales, and I am honoured to have been re-elected.

The campaign was topped off with a very well-attended members’ event which was a big success, showing what a strong and united campaign we ran locally.

We now have a UK Labour government in place to begin creating a better future, putting an end to the years of performative politics and sticking-plaster solutions, working diligently and determinedly to improve lives, and restore respect to politics and trust in politicians.

It has only been a few weeks but Labour is already getting stuck in, not resting for a moment following the result.

I was glad to be in Parliament last week as King Charles set out our government’s plans, again a strong demonstration of Keir Starmer’s determination to deliver national renewal through practical and sensible solutions to the big issues facing Britain.

Noted by many in Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney was Labour’s pledge to finally review the Mineworkers’ Pension Scheme sharing agreement.

This is something I have been fighting for, for many years now, helping spearhead the campaign in Parliament on behalf of ex-mineworkers and their families.

I come from a family of mineworkers and I know how important this will be to so many across our valleys. It was great to see Labour pledging to review the unfair surplus arrangements and transfer the Investment Reserve Fund back to members.

Last week I met with Sarah Jones MP, the Minister responsible for the planned changes to the scheme. She told me that the department is working through the implementation of the plan and I’m very pleased to hear that an update is expected in the Autumn.

We all want to start getting things done and, at last, we are in a position to do so.

Fairness for people, good government and a chance to put our Labour values into action in service of our country and its people is all we’ve ever asked for.

So let’s get on with it.