WEDNESDAY openings at the UK’s only local authority run post office could be reinstated if there is demand. 

Usk Post Office has been based at the town’s council hub since 2019 after Monmouthshire County Council stepped in when the service was threatened with closure in 2018. 

Since reopening after the 2020 Covid lockdown the post office has opened on Mondays and Thursdays with the four hour Saturday openings supported from the hub’s core budget. 

When the service first opened it also operated on Wednesdays and late night Thursdays. 

Monmouthshire council cabinet member Angela Sandles said after analysis of use, during the lockdown, the council realised in order for the income to cover its expenditure it had to reduce opening times by 10 hours a week and staff by 17 hours, which was achieved when a part time staff member resigned in February 2020. 

In response to a question from Usk Conservative councillor Tony Kear, Cllr Sandles said: “If it was financially viable we would certainly be considering restoring Wednesday openings but we know that residents value having a post office even at those reduced hours.” 

Cllr Kear acknowledged his follow up question of whether Wednesday openings could be restored had been answered by Cllr Sandles. He said a “downgrading” of Raglan Post Office, to a local facility, could provide an opportunity to open Usk on Wednesdays. 

He said statistics show there is increased use at Usk when Raglan is closed.