You will have no doubt heard of the changes taking place in Welsh Government at the moment.

It has been an incredibly tough week for those who are friends and supporters of Vaughan Gething, as well as the rest of the Labour group.

On Tuesday, Vaughan showed true bravery and resilience in making what I think is the correct choice for the country, in his decision to stand down as First Minister.

I know Vaughan very well. I know him as a very capable and focussed person and I am very proud to have supported him during his election campaign.

I am disappointed that he wasn’t given the opportunity to show just how capable he is, during his time as First Minister.

However, I believe he still has a big part to play in shaping the future of Wales and making the country a better place for all of us; giving a voice particularly to those who do not feel heard.

While there was a majority supporting Vaughan to carry on as First Minister, this needed to be unanimous and united, which sadly, was not the case.

I think we will see a new First Minister relatively quickly, certainly by the end of the summer period and that cohesiveness is what we will all seek.

What we need now is for the election of a new leader who will continue with the important work already ongoing, like the cost of living crisis, the situation around Tata Steel and listening to communities on the 20mph policy.

While it has been a difficult time for individuals and for the Labour group as a whole, we are now finding unity in this agreement of a fresh start.

I look forward to uniting behind our new First Minister, whoever that may be and I look forward to continuing the important work which needs to be done in order to improve life for the people of Wales.