A school in Pontypool is celebrating as its students graduate on to Welsh primary schools in the county.

10 of the four-year-olds at Ysgol Feithrin Pontypwl will move on to reception classes at the four Welsh primary schools in September.

To mark this significant step in the childrens' education, a graduation ceremony and concert was held on July 19.

Hosted in the garden of St James Hall, the event celebrated the children's achievement and signalled the end of a journey with the nursery.

At the ceremony, each child was dressed in a striking red cap and gown.

The school held a graduation ceremony for the 10 pupilsThe school held a graduation ceremony for the 10 pupils (Image: Ysgol Feithrin Pontypwl)

Established in 1979, Ysgol Feithrin Pontypwl prides itself on offering a positive, bilingual environment for children, working in conjunction with schools, amenities, and community organisations.

Nursery leader, Helen Greenwood, said: "We are all very proud of these children who have been with us for nearly two years and we wish them all the very best as they start on their new experience in school.

"We look forward to welcoming a new set of children in September.

"If anyone is interested in Welsh medium pre school education we would love to hear from them."

Ysgol Feithrin Pontypwl is a registered Welsh medium full day care and sessional care nursery. It offers a breakfast and lunch club and pre-school education for children aged between two-and-a-half and four.