Former Welsh rugby player and teacher is put on trial after being charged with causing assault occasioning actual bodily harm to a child two years ago.

Matthew John Back, 53, was a teacher in a school in the Caerphilly County Borough when he allegedly forcefully manhandled and bruised the arm of an 8-year-old student in November 2021.

Today, July 24, Mr Back, of Miskin Crescent, Pontyclun, Rhondda Cynon Taf, stands on trial in Cardiff Crown Court, after pleading not guilty to charges of causing assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

In an opening statement of the trial, prosecutor Mr Evans gave a short gist of the alleged incident to the jury. He said: “The victim was in school, approaching the end of the day when Mr Back snatched paper, his drawing, out of his hands.

“The student became angry at this, which led to Mr Back issuing unlawful, inexcusable and beyond justified means of restrain.

“Mr Back grabbed the child’s arm area and manhandled him in what was not a proper attempt to deescalate the situation. He lost control with a small child.

“This incident lasted nine minutes, with teaching assistants becoming involved.

“When the victim got home, his parents further noticed bruising. As you can see by those pictures, the defendant caused injury amounting to ‘actual bodily harm’.”

The victim’s parents acted as witnesses today. The mother explained her son has special needs, whereby his difficulties include “attachment disorder, and so he spends a lot of time in survival mode.”

“He gets triggered by noises, voices and smells. When he is triggered, he can’t be held accountable for his actions,” she said.

“When he first joined the school, we made the teaching staff very aware of his needs.

“Upon seeing the bruises, I called the school and spoke to Mr Back. At first he told me that he did not know of any reason why my son would be bruised, and then started making excuses such as that ‘he was playing rough and tumble or bumped into something playing hide and seek’.

“It was later that we called the police and opened an investigation.”

The schoolboy's parents documented the bruise on his arm with multiple pictures taken over a few days.

They raised concerns with the school and the matter was investigated further and three people, including Back were suspended.

This is a case that Matthew Back continues to dispute, arguing that his actions were “necessary, reasonable and just” and does not accept he grabbed the child’s arm.

The 12-person jury was provided pictures of the injury and were told they will watch CCTV footage over the next approximately four-day trial.

It was heard that the jury will also hear from witnesses such as schoolteachers and Mr Back’s relatives.

Matthew Back maintains his not-guilty plea.