A LONG-TIME friend of recently deceased, Trevor Seivwright, has spoken about his decades-old friendship with the former drummer of 'Black Roots' and local legend.

Mubarak Ali, secretary for the Islamic Society for Wales, said he knew Trevor Seivwright from Pill in Newport for 58 years.

Mr Ali, said: "I'd known him [Trevor] since 1966 when I arrived here. Me and Trevor went to Pillgwenlly School, which at the time was called Tredegar Wharf School.

Trevor SeivwrightTrevor Seivwright (Image: Family of Trevor Seivwright)

"Then we played in the school football team for Tredegar Wharf School and also the rugby team in the school.

"Aside from the family, I might have known him the longest, since 1966 on Day 1 at the school."

Mr Ali and Trevor Seivwright regularly met in Pill in Newport, including having a photo taken at a peace vigil which Mr Ali organised to commemorate those that lost their lives at the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017.

Trevor (right) passed through Newport City Centre, and stopped to take a photo with Mubarak Ali (left).Trevor (right) passed through Newport City Centre, and stopped to take a photo with Mubarak Ali (left). (Image: Mubarak Ali)

Mr Ali sang the praises of Mr Seivwright, adding: "He was a wonderful and amazing chap, well-known in Newport, he'll be missed, you know.

"R.I.P top man."