A MAN who is set to become a father for the sixth time has been sent to prison for drug dealing.

Part of the reason Grant Morgan dealt drugs was to support his family – his partner is currently pregnant with his sixth child.

However, it is unlikely Morgan, 24, will be at this latest birth as he was sent to prison for two years eight months for dealing cocaine.

Police attended Morgan’s address in Ebbw Vale where they found him in possession of around 150 grammes of cocaine – some of it separated into street deals ready to be sold.

Officers also found over £9,000 in cash in Morgan’s possession, something His Honour Judge Hobson was sure was from the proceeds of crime.

Officers estimated the total value of the cocaine found on Morgan to be between £12,000 to £15,000, however Morgan disputed this, saying the drugs found were worth under £10,000.

Despite this, Judge Hobson described Morgan’s enterprise as a ‘prolific’ drug business.

One of the starkest facts to come out of the case was how many children Morgan had.

Judge Hobson commented: “The sentence I am going to pass will affect them and your partner who is expecting your sixth child.”

However, Judge Hobson added: “When you make the decision to engage in this behaviour, you know that you could go to prison if you are caught, and I am afraid that day has come.”

Morgan's partner is set to give birth to his sixth childMorgan's partner is set to give birth to his sixth child (Image: Gwent Police)

In mitigation it was said Morgan, of Garnlydan, Ebbw Vale, made guilty pleas at the earliest opportunity at magistrates.

He also had no previous convictions for drug supply and it was his first time in custody.

Despite this, Morgan was said to be using the time wisely, applying himself to courses that will help support his family in a legal fashion when he is released. He’d also undertaken drug and behaviour therapy.

For being concerned in the supply of cocaine, Morgan got 32 months in prison.

For being in possession of cocaine with intent to supply he also got 32 months in prison, the sentence to run concurrently.

The offences were committed between February 22, 2024, and June 22, 2024.