DUE to his jealous rage, a man brutally attacked his ex-partner's friend and pushed another one, a woman, into a set of bins after chasing her down the street.

Cyle Williams thought he was protecting his ex-partner from people he said were using her house to take drugs.

Two incidents of this overprotective attitude boiled over on the days of 17, and 25 June.

It was on the 17th that Williams, 34, went on a brutal attack of his ex-partner's friend, putting him in a headlock, punching him several times in the face, then kicking him as he tried to stagger to his feet.

On that night Williams arrived at his ex-partner’s house unannounced, let himself in – the front door being open – then proceeded to throw everyone out.

His ex-partner and a man went to try acquiesce with Williams outside the house and this was when he went on the horrific attack.

Then, on June 24, Williams again attended his ex-partner’s house and this time confronted one of her friends who he chased down the street and pushed into a neighbour’s set of bins. When the neighbours came out, he ran off simultaneously making death threats.

When his ex-partner and her friend returned to the house they found Williams had stolen his ex’s mobile and began sending texts to all her male contacts threatening them not to go near her.

Williams’ victim, the man who was attacked in the first incident, described how he thought he was going to die as everything went white after the first punch and he tasted blood in his mouth,

In a victim impact statement, he said: “This incident has left my mental health in a terrible state. I was only just starting to get my confidence back, starting to go out with the dog. Now, I have completely lost my confidence.”

In mitigation, Williams defence barrister pleaded with him to move on, saying: “This time in custody has made him understand there has to be more in life (than his career of crime).”

That career is extensive. Williams has 34 convictions for 55 offences which range widely including, theft, drug offences, driving offences, assaulting a police officer, and public disorder.

On Williams’ actions, Judge Mr Recorder D Payne described the attacks as ‘vicious’, saying “the level of violence was gratuitous”.

At Cardiff Crown Court, on July 25, Williams, of no fixed abode, Caerphilly, was sentenced to 32 months in prison for GBH and three months in prison for ABH, these offences to run consecutively with each other.

For theft, he was sentenced to one month in prison, to run concurrent, and for sending electronic communications due to cause fear, he got two months in prison, to run consecutive.

He was also made subject to a seven year restraining order.